
Thursday, December 13, 2012

#6: Self Evaluation


I cannot believe my first semester of freshman year of college is coming to an end. After deciding to come to Penn State, people warned me college flies by and boy were they right. I was also warned about how teaching and learning techniques were different compared to what I was used to in high school. Again, they were right. I definitely had to adjust after my first few weeks of classes, but now I feel more acquainted with the academic environment.

Coming into English 15S, I guess I was expecting something similar to my senior year AP English Literature course in high school. AP classes are supposed to be just like college courses, right? Not exactly. The only aspect that was similar when comparing the two is the fact that my high school teacher and my college professor are both published writers and quirky and unique (in a complementary way of course). I certainly had to become accustomed to the amount of freedom given in class and on the assignments. In high school I was given an outline and specific directions for everything and it felt liberating having a little more space to get creative with. Instead of choosing from a specific list of topics to write about, I essentially was able to create my own for assignments like the memoir and Curated Art Exhibit.

As a writer, I feel my skills without a doubt became more mature and refined. I gained tools to condense my writing and make it clear. I found in high school I would use phrases and words to “fluff” up my essays, but now I’ve learned to cut those out. My writing has also become stronger because I now know how to make a compelling argument with the use of ethos, pathos, and logos. Since we spent a good amount of time going over how to make an argument, rhetorical devices, and other writing techniques, I understand these completely.

Aside from obtaining more knowledge on writing, I’ve also learned a lot more on what Penn State has to offer me, other than academics and football. I didn’t even know Penn State had an arboretum until our trip to it. This was one of my favorite activities of the class and I even brought my parents to it when they visited. Seeing the purest form of art, nature, was awesome along with attending the play, In the Red and Brown Water. This not only opened my eyes up to Penn State’s theater program, but to nontraditional forms of theater. I was so used to the “Disney-esque” musicals my high school put on, that I had lost sight of the more serious, intense side of theater. Through this course, I truly did discover that Penn State was not only a football school, but also a school of the arts.

I can confidently say that this course, along with just being away from home has changed me as a person.  English 15S has made me push myself to think and write to the best of my abilities. I had to really learn how to think outside of the box instead of sticking to the safe, old habits. This class and college in general gave me the chance to act like an adult and take matters into my own hands. I learned that I was the sole person responsible for my actions and this definitely made me grow up a little bit. Aside from that, I gained maturity and confidence that I desperately needed. Being away from my small town and close group of friends from home forced me to put myself out there and meet new people. I’m grateful for the friends I’ve made in and outside of class. English 15S not only gave me the necessary tools to write at the college level, but it also gave me the gift of friendship. 

2. Blog Responses

3. SRTE Evaluations
Hi Ms. S--I completed my SRTEs!!

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